Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217

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19 Jul 2017 22:30 #31 by Seth (Kurteth)
Replied by Seth (Kurteth) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
[Not Seth]

I must say I absolutely love this town and their disagreements! I put 190 gold on Wren versus Nalick!




OOG:Ben Carlson
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19 Jul 2017 22:49 #32 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
You would be better off wagering on my love life.


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19 Jul 2017 23:20 - 19 Jul 2017 23:32 #33 by Terzak (TheArchMage)
Replied by Terzak (TheArchMage) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Try to ignore the Inn's board for five godsdamned moments and suddenly a sheaf of paper discussing arson, the Arena and...flowerladies sits beneath a mere schedule. Travance, you never cease to amaze. And confuse, let us not forget that.

To begin, I would like to sincerely apologize to you all for the way I have drafted this schedule. I shall not allow this mistake to repeat itself, should I ever provide such a service again.

To Squire Cara Tartaros
Forgive me, as I have not met you in person. However, due to the descriptions offered here by Mantel and your sacrifice to remove the contracts three moons ago, I personally would be more than honored to invite you to one of our meetings and, should you choose it, the guild itself. And, while it means less coming from my quill than others, I would like to sincerely apologize for today's events. This mistake will be another I shall not allow myself to repeat.

To Nalick

Your quips, they slay me! Keep up the good work, old friend.

To Argyle

Count me in! Though I admit, the number of powerful figures in this sheaf of parchment (yourself included) leaves me wondering who the safest bet would be.

Et al.:

I admit, reading through the postings listed I can perfectly understand your take on the situation. However, from another set of eyes, it appears as if a Squire asked to join our guild for the purposes of teaching what she knew to those that asked for it (which, might I remind you, qualifies under two of the listed purposes in the Guild's Charter:)

Purpose of the Mage’s Guild:
To defend the Weave, both actively and reactively.
To further our understanding of the Weave and its gifts.
To share that knowledge and its benefits with others, to improve the Kingdom of Kormyre and each other.
To watch for, hunt down, and destroy those who are enemies of the Weave, and of the Kingdom of Kormyre.

...and she was promptly accused of insulting us by describing her prior experiences. You are justified in defending the Guild's reputation, as we all are, but only when it has been legitimately attacked, and it has been made perfectly clear that it has not. Now, I may be extremely out of place for requesting this, but I would like to humbly ask for an apology from both sides, and that this incident does not repeat itself.

Lastly, I would like to add that during the Extended Feast, the meeting at four bells was made public by the Guildmaster herself. In posting this schedule, I have followed her format, by writing the sentence 'All may feel free to attend' prior to this discussion. This sentence still holds truth.

I hope to be seeing those of you who are so inclined at the Guild's meetings, and that we shall be more respectful there.

By my hand,
Professor Terzak Winstonshire

OOG: Will Harrington
Last edit: 19 Jul 2017 23:32 by Terzak (TheArchMage).
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19 Jul 2017 23:35 #34 by Cara Easton (Raeelle)
Replied by Cara Easton (Raeelle) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
To all-

I apologize to those if anything I said came across in a way that was attacking to any members of this guild. That was not my intent. Postings on a wall cannot properly express tone, and, while I do admit that my tone and demeanor can often be abrasive and brash, I did not intend any personal insult to anyone. Please accept this as my apology in response to any misgivings that might be felt.


Thank you. I truly appreciate your sentiments and would greatly look forward to meeting you and attending a guild meeting.

Alt : Laurel Astraeus

OOG: Rae L
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20 Jul 2017 01:11 - 20 Jul 2017 03:51 #35 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
At the risk of incurring Verrill's wrath, the Flower Lady, praise be unto Her petals, offers Her forgiveness.


OOG -- Jeff Balla
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Last edit: 20 Jul 2017 03:51 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
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20 Jul 2017 09:40 #36 by Gabriel Chance (Kiellor)
Replied by Gabriel Chance (Kiellor) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Showing that calm and cool judgement real well here Nesterin.

Cara, show up to a meeting and it'll be official if you want it too. Otherwise, you do you.

Gabriel Chance
High Arcanist of Drega'mire
Binder of the Vestige Argolarium the Bound King

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20 Jul 2017 10:35 #37 by Angeliana (Angeliana)
Replied by Angeliana (Angeliana) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217

Cara Tartaros wrote: To all-

while I do admit that my tone and demeanor can often be abrasive and brash, I did not intend any personal insult to anyone.

Excuuuse ye! I nay be Abrasive and brash ooooften. I be abrasive and brash ALWAYS. Thank ye very bloody much.

Do ye all seriously need t'be tiptoeing on eggshells an' shite cause yer feelins' be made from chipped glass?

Get da fuck over it and meet already.

~ D

Dame Angeliana Himmlisch
The Heart of Winterdark
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High Priestess & Champion of Andorra

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20 Jul 2017 10:54 #38 by Maeve Hesperus (gwennieofsidhe)
Replied by Maeve Hesperus (gwennieofsidhe) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
A person's experience is a very personal thing indeed. I applaud the guild members for standing by their organization, but any organization is only as good as their reputation. Might want to find out what masters may be dissuading Travancians from pursuing membership with the guild, rather than blindly protecting those who may have mildly marred the reputation of the guild all on their own, albeit likely by accident. Though Miss Cara can be a bit brash, I saw her list of ability as an offer of contribution to the guild and did not sense a stitch of braggadocio in her words. By all means, hold to the bonds you have decided to tie, but always question.


OOG: Renée Ballard
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20 Jul 2017 11:17 #39 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217

I am in absolute agreement.

I assure you we are doing and have been taking exhaustive inventory of our reputation, and plottig steps to improve it. One need only eavesdrop halfheartedly on a meeting to understand that to be the truth. Thank you for the words of caution.

Reputations do not change overnight. Scars have an exceedingly long memory, emotional or physical... do take my word on both accounts. But I have hope that with effort these, too, can and shall heal.


Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
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20 Jul 2017 11:52 #40 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
We mages actually duel on a regular basis. Keeps us sharp when we have to square off against liches. Helps a lot in the study of higher magic actually. You should come see it.


-Tim P
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20 Jul 2017 16:14 #41 by Morwenne (Morwenne)
Replied by Morwenne (Morwenne) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Well. This has certainly become an issue now, hasn't it? Thankfully I was sent notice of this discussion and copies of the postings. I am currently traveling across Kormyre on business, and messenger birds can only fly so fast. If there are issues which have arisen after the sending of this message, I will deal with them upon my return.

It is distasteful to me that my messengers, who have acted upon my direct instruction, have been met with such vitriol. To say I am disappointed in the discourse in the large majority of these postings is a gross understatement.

Regarding the comments on the times I have chosen for my meetings:
When I first implemented these times in May, they were posted twice. Once on the Guild boards and once in the Inn. They were duplicated during the extended feast. My Masters were instructed to hold the same meetings last moon and again this moon, both of which were also posted publicly. There has been ample notice and opportunity to discuss the scheduling with me. We will address this as an organization next moon when I return. If you have issue with my decisions or my charges, they are to be brought to me directly; not smeared across a public space in an unbecoming fit. We are better than this, and we must hold ourselves better than this.

In addition, no member of my guild will be responsible for, nor incur any penalty for the failures of a paid employee. This demand is unseemly at best, entirely unacceptable, and will not be repeated in the future. There will be no additional discussion on this matter.

Regarding the questions about my meetings:
I have no desire to continue the antiquated practices implemented when our barony was still a wild frontier. It is entirely unreasonable to expect all of us to be available at the same time. Our members cannot always attend a singular guild meeting due to prior commitments or their baronial service. This lack of attendance and accommodation has caused chronic problems within our organization, and has significantly contributed to where we are now. It has been past time for the old ways to die.

My first meeting is for existing members and is strictly for guild business. My goal is to make this meeting as brief as possible. Our Hall is not large. It becomes overheated and stuffy quickly; and it is in an inconvenient location. I am not the only one tired of being hidden away in long winded discourse that could be held elsewhere. As stated above, I am aware of the problematic issue of attendance. I have no desire to see those in my care excluded and/or otherwise penalized for their service to the barony or for aiding others when they are needed. It is for this express purpose that I have created a second meeting.

My second meeting is informal and held at the Inn in the hours before feast. It is extremely important that all of our members have the opportunity to participate in and contribute to their guild. It is also important that we are visible and accessible. This meeting has been designed to accommodate our current members and to make ourselves available to potential members. The time and location makes it easier for those who are interested in, or have questions about joining the guild to approach us. This meeting can include but is not limited to: learning and teaching the arcane arts; becoming current with events and reconnaissance; developing and integrating efficient strategies for the coming battle; and engaging in cross discipline discussion and cooperation.

Should you have any questions or concerns you wish to address prior to my return, I encourage you to reach out to me directly. If you feel you cannot approach me directly, I will gladly treat with the agent of your choice. The messenger service over here is quite good. However, my mailbag has a habit of hiding my correspondence. If I have not responded back to you in what you feel is an acceptable time frame, please attempt to contact me through one of the other guild members. They have alternate ways of communicating with me, and it is sometimes the most efficient way.

Should you wish to speak in person, I will be back in the proper for the August feast.

Oh, and Argyle – great idea. Let’s talk about making this a reality.


Morwenne D. Archangel-Worthington
Lady of Alisandria
Guild Master

(oog: Alisia, Card Marshal, Story Teller)
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20 Jul 2017 17:15 #42 by Burkhart Jarlson (steel_enigma)
Replied by Burkhart Jarlson (steel_enigma) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217

I have every intention on organizing a Caster Royale in the future. Perhaps after the Dodge Rock tournament.

That much power going around can only cause beautiful destruction and fun.


OOG: Josh Leib

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20 Jul 2017 20:37 - 20 Jul 2017 20:43 #43 by Kardin (Ben)
Replied by Kardin (Ben) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
[strike]I'd be interested in[/strike]

[strike]By the Ancestors maybe I could help with[/strike]

[strike]Not sure what to even[/strike]

[strike]WHAT SORT OF TRASHFIRE[/strike]


Sod it.

Morwenne, if you have a free moment I'd like to ask something of the Guild. I'll try to find you at the Proper during one of your meeting times. This does not seem to be the best place to mention it.

Kardin Armister of the Hiolangorn || Shield of the North
Vassal to Lord Aleister Tartaros of Drega'mire
Iron Centurion of Palindor

Ben F.
"Never get discouraged. People may punish you for every good thing you'll ever do, but you only fail if they get you to stop. Your actions can mend a heart, save a Light, or topple the mightiest foe."
Last edit: 20 Jul 2017 20:43 by Kardin (Ben).
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21 Jul 2017 02:15 #44 by Sindarion (Steven SA)
Replied by Sindarion (Steven SA) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
So who's bringing the honey butter?


~ Knight Morgan "Sindarion" Sinclair
[strike]Vagabond[/strike] Harper

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21 Jul 2017 16:08 #45 by Ib (Gannon)
Replied by Ib (Gannon) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217

If it is anything that I can assist with in the meantime until Morwenne's return, please seek me out this feast. I will be arriving in the Proper Saturday morning.


Ib Flett
Asbjorn Vigdisson

OOC - Gannon Shanley
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03 Sep 2017 20:34 #46 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Tell me Argyle - with whom would you match me?

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
04 Sep 2017 16:14 #47 by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt)
Replied by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Master Haroldson,

I would venture anyone whom you wish and would foolishly step into the arena against you.

Del Dragon, Argyle
(OOC: Forest Dougan)
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05 Sep 2017 10:56 #48 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
I wouldn't call it foolish Argyle,

In a proper casting duel without item augments, I believe Master Haroldson would be able to find several fitting challenges for himself.

-Squire Darkwood

Marcella Torres
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05 Sep 2017 11:58 #49 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
If I have some questions for the Guild, but cannot find time to attend the meeting, may I speak to anyone within the Guild to address my questions at some point during the next feast?

Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

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05 Sep 2017 20:17 - 05 Sep 2017 20:20 #50 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Ilana - does that include bound items? I understand such duels are limited to the Arcane.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
Last edit: 05 Sep 2017 20:20 by geezer (geezer).
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05 Sep 2017 21:12 #51 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217

Mantel and Terzak are both incredibly diligent men about town when it comes to arcane studies. Either of them should be able to apprise you of the goings on. Closer to the Feast, when we're aware of magi in attendance, a more clear answer should be available for you.


OOG -- Jeff Balla
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05 Sep 2017 22:50 #52 by Terzak (TheArchMage)
Replied by Terzak (TheArchMage) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Though I appreciate the recommendation, Nalick, I'm afraid distance would restrict me a tad too far to answer any queries without a raven as an intermediary. However, Mister Ashby, I too will vouch for Mantel's diligence, as well as my own. While I'd like to consider myself well learned in the fields of current happenings and remedial magicks, I am afraid that if the matter does concern specific members, I've not had much contact with them, save...the above.

Speaking of which... Argyle, has progress been made to establish an official tournament for the spellcasting savants in this town? I'm a tad out of practice, and I can't think of a more entertaining way to solve that problem.

By my hand,
Professor Terzak Winstonshire

OOG: Will Harrington
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06 Sep 2017 00:59 - 06 Sep 2017 01:00 #53 by Cara Easton (Raeelle)
Replied by Cara Easton (Raeelle) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
I would be glad to assist in setting up Spellcasting Tournaments, especially given that it is an important thing to practice, especially for mages looking to move into sorcery and ritual magics. I will only be in the proper on Saturday morning briefly and then returning late Saturday evening after this upcoming feast, but I'll be glad to work with whoever wants to establish such contests.

Alt : Laurel Astraeus

OOG: Rae L
Card Staff
Last edit: 06 Sep 2017 01:00 by Cara Easton (Raeelle).
06 Sep 2017 02:05 #54 by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt)
Replied by Argyle Del Dragon (AngryCelt) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Mages and friends,

Burk, and some of the others are working hard on the details of a caster tourney. I personally, am hoping for public duels of the arcane nature and mastery.

We of course shall be handling all gambling bets, potions, and many other needs of the contestants, at a discounted price.

I welcome challenges, duels, and battles as they are fine entertainment.

Del Dragon, Argyle
(OOC: Forest Dougan)
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06 Sep 2017 06:34 - 06 Sep 2017 09:13 #55 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Edwin -

In my opinion, yes, as wealth isn't a talent in a duel but a luxury for the battlefield.

-Squire Ilana Darkwood

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 06 Sep 2017 09:13 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood).
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06 Sep 2017 19:50 - 06 Sep 2017 19:50 #56 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic Mage's Guild Meetings: July 1217
Mr. Elias Ashby,

I can accept Nalick's recommendation. I'm less abreast of the situation than I normally am due to conflicting duties at the last feast, but I can attempt to answer your questions and refer you to the proper Authorities should I be incapable.

I fear that I may not be able to make it to next Feast. Duties and personal needs require my attention to be away from Proper for the time being. You can missive me privately at the Guild, the letter will find its way to me.

--Mantel Warrane
Journeyman Mage

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
Last edit: 06 Sep 2017 19:50 by Mantel (sigma-j).
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