Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)

09 Oct 2018 12:59 - 13 Oct 2018 08:34 #1 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!) was created by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
As you start gathering in the Proper, I am sure you have noticed a missive about Captain Jackdaw missing. Unfortunately, we have not located him and the threat of what took him is growing. The 'hands' in the Spirit Realm are here and what potentially summoned them still lurks in the shadows and must be stopped.

This is a list of compiled information provided by others with the missive regarding Jackdaw and other sources into a simpler list. There are many scholars working on this project and we would love to hear the questions that you want researched.

Following the actions of our mysterious writer, Count Winterdark has kindly bound the main page so it cannot be damaged, stolen, or scryed to the Scholar's Table. All questions submitted will be answered to the best of our abilities and the information will be added to the public document.

-You may leave your questions at the table with the page and I will make sure we all give it a look
-You may leave them here and I will add the questions to the list.
-You may send the questions anonymously. Notes will reach me at the Darkwood Academy or at the Adventurer's Guild building across from the inn.

Thank you all for reading. Together we will defeat these monstrosities through wit and force.

Dame Ilana Darkwood
Knight of Pendarvin
Head Mistress of Darkwood Academy

P.S. There's another group of papers specifically regarding the cards. If anyone is interested in more information regarding that, keep an eye out!



For those unable to read Google Docs but are interested in what's going on:
This document is considered IG but cannot be damaged by anyone IG, the official document protected by the magic of the Scholar’s Table. Will update as questions are answered.

The scholar's table, as usual, is covered in an assortment of books, a stack of papers in binders a meek attempt at some order. A cleared space has a piece of paper left in the center, scattered with a few pieces of paper around it of various questions and notes.

What We ‘Know’ (Compiled from accounts on the Dragon’s Claw board)

‘Temperance’ - There was a catacomb located underneath a farmhouse just outside of the Proper’s limits. It was haunted by a White Lady referred to as Temperance. She was once an Andorran Priestess who was murdered and transformed into the monster the town dealt with. The catacomb collapsed and her part of the puzzle is completed. We have her shard of the Lich’s phylactery

The recent ‘Hierophant’ potentially is the one who created Temperance.

‘Devil’ is another member in this cabal. (Lich?) Chaz ‘sold his soul to him.’

‘The Fool’ is either trying to help us or is trying to trick us. They leave notes with sigils against scrying and demonic influences. But, this is the information they provided:

-‘Death’ (the ‘Reaper’) leads the cabal. He is trying to abuse the power vacuum recently created with Necrophitus’ defeat.
-His Phylcatery is currently in about 12-15 pieces

-"haunts" this legendary creature is said to be able to create. Undead entities that may seem harmless, but can warp reality around them and will attack when you least expect it.
-The cabal is an entire cabal of negative energy creatures that each have a piece of the Lich’s phylactery. They refer to themselves using the names of the Major Arcana.
- He said that the town was on the right track for what they were looking?
Specifically said: ‘good places to start looking’ in response to questions.
-The Catacombs were only for Temperance and her part of the Puzzle
-There are many more puzzle pieces
-Oakley knows more (‘Every legend has to start somewhere’ )

Oakley’s information (she condensed it for me. My thanks Oakley)
I guess the important bits are that Chaz told me this super lich fellow, th’ first to dress as the grim reaper...and he’s gotta crew of negative energy creatures each holding a piece of his phy-lakter-y. Each creature has a weakness I believe, and we gotta find them befer we kick the lich’s arse. Something about tarot cards too..? It’s been awhile so I can’t remember too clearly.... Also, there’s gonna be ghosts and demons wanderin’ about, gettin’ closer to Travance with each day and if we don’t clear things up it might mean the lich gets resurrected completely and we’re all screwed!

Mantel’s Information
-Book entitled ‘How to Buy Your Soul Back From the Devil’ acquired from a gate that Chad Whitman/Chaz Whimun/Chase Wiseman went through.
-He might turn on us while his soul is in possession of the Devil.
-He is clearly trying to deflect information about who he is and what he does.
-Chaz says he is a skilled carpenter (he makes coffins and reinforces cellars), pie-maker, fisherman, and scholar of necromancy. (Per Mantel/Starling)

Talaniel’s Information on the Granfalloon
-Folklore/Secondhand accounts. Hold elements of truth.
- It is an undead creature that is difficult to summon and looks for a place to nest (it was mentioned a battlefield like Travance was fitting)
-The ‘Bone Spiders’ (Skeletal creatures that look similar to spiders (fist-sized rib cage, eight legs) were found brief within the catacomb and remains have been found during searches for Jackdaw. Kestrel has pieces of the creature to be examined) are scavengers that follow it around.
-The ‘thousand of hands in the spirit realm’ indicate one is nearby.
-Once nested, its presence empowers undead/potentially all negative energy creatures in the area.
-The Body of the Granfalloon is in the Prime Material, but seems it's presence is affecting the Spirit Plane

An Observation
-Khala and I did a little exploring and couldn't find the nest.
-There are more spirit hands coming out of the ground in the proper than outside of it.
-She tried to summon an undead, but the hands grabbed it and turned it against us.
-All negative energy summons were infected.
Cara’s Vision
-A lich performing an intricate ritual, attempt to transcend lichdom.
-Became a dark, shadowed being with a skeletal face. Very conscious and aware.
-Started as apprentice in Evernight
- His ‘teacher’ cutting him down. The lich’s phylactery separated into 22 Major Arcana cards.
- Lich wanders unable to be harmed and kills everything he touches. However, the more he kills, the more tangible and easier to destroy he is. (Too many lives would be lost this way)
-Various light-aligned warriors destroy the lich. They thought that he was stopped permanently, but one or two of his followers seem to have escaped with pieces of his phylactery.

Ephrem’s Investigation
-Undated scrolls have the Church note defeat of ‘The Reaper’.
-Mentions one of the clergy being an ex-member of the faith (not specified which). He gave up on faith and the concept of good/evil. He found the Reaper and became a lich in his service.
-This ‘Hierophant’ was destroyed (it is mentioned in several documents) But, nothing about the phylactery piece being located.

(This story helps research prove The Reaper replaces members and grants them the vacant title over time.)


-Cannot be found in the material or spirit realm
-Cannot be contacted by psionics on material or spirit plane.
Does anyone else have any ideas on where else our friend may be?

Nesterin’s Information
-Ivory tower apprentice. Focused too much on detail and less on committing to action in rituals.
-He got frustrated very easily and, promised an immediate source of power by a ‘philosopher lich’, left the Ivory Tower to learn from them.

Lorelai’s Information
-A Reign named Gaston was looking into an entire cabal of negative creatures.
-Gaston set out to stop them from turning someone into a Lycan and went missing.
-Normally a very private Hunter, he is reliably on time, but no trace of him has turned up

Donny’s Information
-Visited Lore Keepers of a Hibernian clan.
-”The Executioner”: Needed for two rituals to create two more member’s of Death’s Cabal.
These rituals, once started, cannot be stopped.
-Not much information on the one member was given by them but they spoke of ‘The Dullahan’.
- The Dullahan: Once a brave warrior, tortured into neverending fear and then beheaded before being raised as an undead.
-A warrior of these folk has been missing for a few months after a strange/dodgy priest visited.

Ilana's Information

Ilana’s Information
-Nordejar gravesite raided by 'tall, powerful undead' that escaped before the warriors arrived.
-The deceased's body was stolen along with his axe.
-Was an Executioner for King Mardux. This Executioner preferred following orders blindly so they could fell people by their axe.

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 13 Oct 2018 08:34 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mantel (sigma-j), Ephrem (bamore62)
09 Oct 2018 17:01 - 09 Oct 2018 19:29 #2 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Replied by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
I have spent a few days with another doing some work on my own. We attempted a ritual to see if we could find the actual location of the thing that is the source of the hands. Unfortunately the most we got out of that was 'down', and who knows what THAT actually means. And if you go outside of the proper, it points to the proper.

Afterwards I did some experimentation. For those who have the ability to create undead or summon negative energy creatures, I recommend using them sparingly and with caution. Any I summoned were immediately set upon by the hands, which empowered them until they eventually were able to break free of my control. I could get them back under my control with a spell, but it would always break after a little while. I made sure to eliminate all those I lost control of. It also did not matter if it was standard undead or spectral beings. The hands would eventually push them past my ability to keep them under my control.

I will be staying near Travance for the final week or so before Feast to keep studying these hands and see if I can figure anything else out. If anyone has any ideas for me to try or would like to talk to me about it, that is where I will be.

Khala Stormbringer
Dean of Druidics
Darkwood Academy

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
Last edit: 09 Oct 2018 19:29 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme).
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09 Oct 2018 17:03 #3 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
To those reading this who feel that their youth or inexperience is a detriment to these proceedings, your eyes are fresh and mind not yet jaded to Travancian machinations.

Please ask.


OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
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10 Oct 2018 13:46 #4 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)

Well, they've struck at my people. Asking 'round to a few of our tradition keepers, I found somethings out 'bout these gits.

Amongst his cabal there is one called “The Executioner”, 'bout this executioner they ken little 'bout it except that it is needed for two rituals to create two more members of deaths cabal. And once the ritual to create these is started it cannae be stopped, they ken nothing of one of the minions but know a great deal of the other, 'cause the other is of my people's descent. Its called The Dullahan.

To create a Dullahan one must first find a warrior of unparalleled bravery. Torment them fer months until their bravery is replaced by nae but fear, the warrior’s mind must be broken in every way shape and form. Leaving them as one who e'en when they are safe, sees the illusion of fear all around them. Then and only then the head is to be removed by th' headsman's axe, and their headless body raised as an undead.

one clan admits that one of their bravest warriors has been missing for months after a visit from a strange priest that kept dodging questions. Not good.

I call to my kinsmen, fellow clansmen, an' those taken in by them, through matrimony or upbringing...this is now not only a holy war, but a clan war as well. any who support these bastards should burn. I call for the totality, as the Nordejar call it on these gits.

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
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11 Oct 2018 03:12 - 11 Oct 2018 20:06 #5 by Moostrav Potrevski ()
Replied by Moostrav Potrevski () on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
That is some lovely information there Donny, wonderful to see your progressively becoming cognoscente.

Now beside jest, we offer something of note. We are fairly certain, with some assistance, we could reasonably find a way to at least communicate with Jackdaw. The issues presented would be, that it would be foolish to presume him living. Ether way, his fate is apparently grim. The piece of mind this option could pose though may be worth the price to some. Now. To elaborate on this idea, other than in riddle and may, we would require payment; and money wont do. Something exotic that in itself may represent nothingness, is what we seek.

For those who like hints; we give you this... because ultimately We will need Jackdaw back, he has something to do....
What touches everything?

Moostrav Potrevski
1 of the 8 Heads of the Potrevski family

Jacob F.
Last edit: 11 Oct 2018 20:06 by Moostrav Potrevski ().
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11 Oct 2018 12:38 #6 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
I will answer with a question. Do distasteful and shrewd bear the same meaning?


OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
11 Oct 2018 13:34 #7 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
No, Nalick.

One can be shrewd without being distasteful.

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
11 Oct 2018 20:08 #8 by Moostrav Potrevski ()
Replied by Moostrav Potrevski () on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
No yet we embody both of those characteristics, and that of your mother... who is arguable where we got them from.

But we have better things to do then jest with you.

Moostrav Potrevski
1 of the 8 Heads of the Potrevski family

Jacob F.
11 Oct 2018 20:33 - 12 Oct 2018 10:18 #9 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
I decided to reach out to the local Northmen.

A grave site was recently raided, a place they bury dishonored dead that they keep outside where they generally tend to the pyres for their funerals. The body and weapon of the man were taken. He was an executioner that worked for King Mardux, never caring who fell to his ax, only following orders blindly. ('Executioner' is referenced in the table notes.)

The night his body was taken, a 'tall and powerful undead' was seen in the graveyard. The creature was gone by the time the warriors came to destroy it.

I'm realizing that the bulk of our research cannot start with books but word of mouth is working quite well so far. Please, if anyone can think of anyone they can speak with, no matter how long you've been here, it'd probably be helpful.

If you have a new friend you know is travelling to the Proper, perhaps send word to them to keep watch and listen for anything strange going on.

I'm going to start going through these notes and figuring out what groups have been spoken to. If you're interested in talking to people, please reach out and see if they've seen anything.

Our web of information is expansive and reaches across the continent and beyond if we try hard enough. Let's see what we can catch.

Dame Ilana Darkwood
Knight of Pendarvin
Headmistress of Darkwood Academy

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 12 Oct 2018 10:18 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood).
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11 Oct 2018 23:46 #10 by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
(not magnus )

(the paper is covered in anti demon and anti scrying runes)

Keep it up, your getting close but there is still more to know.

-The fool

Matthew Majchrzak


Lord General Magnus

"Not Dead Yet!"
12 Oct 2018 07:03 - 12 Oct 2018 07:30 #11 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
I was recently asked if a researcher needed to speak to individuals to learn more information and not just someone curious in listening to a story and willing to share it with all of us.

That is not the case at all. When I say anyone may chime in, I mean it.
When I suggest you find out if you have new people to the Proper arriving or if you are newer in town yourself, I think it's a brilliant idea.
You're allowed to speak to anyone even if they don't fit your 'walk of life' (I'm a Selendrian priest that seeked out the Nordejar warriors)
I do not know if everything will get an answer but even no information is information in this case: It's one less potential problem we have to worry about.


If you're interested in seeing if the myriad of Costadori tales may have a legend or two hiding, perhaps go to Port Valandra and see if there's anyone who has heard something. (this'd be a good place for Londwyns as well possibly?)

(I could rattle off several types of people to speak with and places to find them, this example just serves to explain you do not need to travel very far if you want to help. Also, if you want help trying to figure out who to speak with, send me a message and I'll be willing to assist!)

The Witch Hunters Lorelai spoke with helped me realize that another example for an information source is groupings of various professions. There's public and discreet groups that may have heard something along the grapevine that we can use to our advantage.

I know of several Shamans who were wild mages before the shift in magic that work together around Valdalis and perhaps someone could speak to them? That'd be a cornucopia of stories there because the variety of sources their magic may come from now (a pair of them, unfortunately, are still bound to demonic ties but until that can be fixed, at least they can possibly take advantage of the bad luck?)

I hope these examples and the clarification helps!

Dame Ilana Darkwood
Knight of Pendarvin
Headmistress of Darkwood Academy

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 12 Oct 2018 07:30 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood).
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12 Oct 2018 08:57 #12 by Ephrem (bamore62)
Replied by Ephrem (bamore62) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
So it seems the Major Arcana has "come alive" with some dreaded foe represented by each. So far Hierophant, Reaper, Tower, etc. And the ironically named Fool, unnumbered amongst the 21, leading us with information.
Cara's vision of the phylactery splitting into the Major Arcana would seem to indicate that finding these cards is our goal. At least our first goal. I would speculate that there are battles ahead, too.

Father Ephrem
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
the Heart of Valos

OOG: Bryan Amore
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12 Oct 2018 16:33 #13 by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
(not magnus )

(the paper is covered in anti demon and anti scrying runes)

Defeated once, could not re-create the entire phylactery this time... i think between 12-15

-The Fool

Matthew Majchrzak


Lord General Magnus

"Not Dead Yet!"
13 Oct 2018 08:19 #14 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
So they can be stopped. That was the assumption, but it is good to know. And if they’ve been stopped before... I wonder who stopped them last time, what kind of record or story we can find about that.

That being said, each one seems to have the appearance of a negative energy creature. That means silver weapons. Perhaps, given that these seem to have some greater power to them or behind them, we can find what ritual or weapon was used against them before. Either the real thing (in the case of a weapon) or recreate it somehow.

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

OOG: Carter Sneeringer
The following user(s) said Thank You: Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933), Ephrem (bamore62)
13 Oct 2018 09:49 #15 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
This time.....Is this a cyclical occurrence?

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
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13 Oct 2018 11:37 #16 by Magnus (hippy g0th)
Replied by Magnus (hippy g0th) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
(not magnus )

(the paper is covered in anti demon and anti scrying runes)

Reyna, reed through all info on both posting boards, your questions will be answered.

Tarot are just pieces of phylactery, given to negative energy creatures....

bits of control but not total... if your clever enough


Matthew Majchrzak


Lord General Magnus

"Not Dead Yet!"
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13 Oct 2018 14:18 #17 by Damien Marcain (Mike P.)
Replied by Damien Marcain (Mike P.) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
My new friends,

I'm en route to Travance for my second feast. Hopefully this raven makes it well before I do, as I believe I have gathered some information worth pondering. I've been taking my time in this travel, stopping along the way in as many villages and towns as I can, asking around for rumors. I decided, since undead appear to be a problem, to ask the local churches if they've noticed anything, and to poke around in some graveyards.

As it turns out, there's been a rumor floating among gravekeepers. I've been told the same story by quite a few of them now.


Apparently, somewhere across the Rift, there's a small hamlet that has been complete destroyed. As the story has been told to me, there was a Knight that lived in this hamlet, dedicating her life to keeping it safe during the Demon Wars. At one point, a priest showed up at the hamlet, begging for sanctuary, to which the good knight obliged. Months and months passed, and the Knight stood vigilant, easily cutting down the many demons that would beset the hamlet and it's people. Though, skilled as she was, the sheer number of demons that attacked allowed one or two to slip through now and again. The Knight did her best, until one day, a group of children were killed by undead that made it past her defenses.

Then, she was betrayed. The very priest she took in and protected began to spread rumors, that the good Knight herself was the one creating the demons, so she could swoop in and save the town, to earn their praise. This priest managed to whip the entire surrounding town into a fury against this Knight, save for one man, the town gravekeeper, who had always known the Knight to be kind and just, and most of all, able to overcome any obstacle on her will alone.

The town marched on the home of the Knight, and demanded justice. When there was no answer, a commoner, though no one is sure who exactly, threw the first torch at the thatched roof of the home. The Knight's abode erupted into flames, and she was burned alive inside.

The townsfolk stood in silence for hours, staring at what horror they had just committed. As the crowd began to dissipate, only two remained at the site of the murder... The priest, and the gravekeeper, who was hidden away in the shadows, watching the night's event unfold in hiding, mortified. The priest then began to change. He grew horns, sported a wicked grin, and in a flash of fire and brimstone, vanished. Only the gravekeeper was left, who went through the rubble, and found the Knight's corpse, so he could bury it.

Over the next few weeks, that same gravekeeper began to notice graves being overturned and robbed in the night, the fresher the better. Bodies went missing, possessions were stolen, until even the Knight's grave was dug up and emptied. A few evenings after, a creature, thought to be a golem made from pieces of the stolen bodies stitched together, appeared. Slow moving, and impossibly strong, it yelled out with the betrayed Knight's voice, no longer noble, but enraged, demanding vengeance for what had been done to her. The golem slaughtered every living being in that hamlet, and the village was destroyed, save for the single gravekeeper that never betrayed her.


I've heard this same story in different towns miles apart. If you ask me, there has to be some validity to it. I've written it down here as a culmination of all of the different versions I was told. Do with this what you will, and if you have any questions, the raven that delivered this to the Inn should be able to find me again.

Stay safe, everyone. We most certainly have monsters roaming about.

~Damien Marcain
Vassal of Albriar
Archivist of the Order of the Sagewardens

(OOG: Mike Packi)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Swyft (agentswift), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Mantel (sigma-j), Ephrem (bamore62)
13 Oct 2018 16:20 #18 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
Strange priest might well be "The Devil".

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
The following user(s) said Thank You: Magnus (hippy g0th), Mantel (sigma-j), Ephrem (bamore62), Damien Marcain (Mike P.)
14 Oct 2018 19:26 #19 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
The Fool,

When ye can answer, I ha' questions.

Can we get your soul back by killing The Devil- the Fallen Priest?

In these Haunts, can th' undead be killed or negated?

This Flesh Golem, could it be reasoned with and turned against the Cabal to destabilize things?

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
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14 Oct 2018 20:16 #20 by Damien Marcain (Mike P.)
Replied by Damien Marcain (Mike P.) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)

Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) wrote: The Fool,
This Flesh Golem, could it be reasoned with and turned against the Cabal to destabilize things?

This is just a theory... But the Flesh Golem slaughtered everyone except the gravekeeper that didn't betray the Knight. That doesn't seem like a coincidence. Perhaps, one problem will solve the other. Killing the devil, the priest betrayer, could settle the Golem's business. The soul it's using, if that's how these things work, is probably that of the Knights. If we settle her score, she may be able to move on. Or, perhaps that is how we reason with her. Two birds, one stone?

~Damien Marcain
Vassal of Albriar
Archivist of the Order of the Sagewardens

(OOG: Mike Packi)
15 Oct 2018 21:39 #21 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
As a request to everyone, keep ideas to this paper and perhaps quips at each other more private.

The guard politely cleared out the offending messages since reading was difficult for an individual.

I've seen more information added to the other thread of notes and will update the information from there to here and the Scholar's table as soon as I can.

Thank you for time and effort so far everyone.

Dame Ilana Darkwood
Knight of Pendarvin
Headmistress of Darkwood Academy

Marcella Torres
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15 Oct 2018 21:40 - 15 Oct 2018 21:49 #22 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)

I have just returned from the Grand Mages Guild of Loez with more information on the crisis.

Unfortunately, they believe any information they had on the Granfalloon and the rest of the situation is already known to us. I did however catch a small obscure rumor that may be relevant.

They do mention a rumor about a strange occurrence of one of their Guild Halls in a smaller settlement being attacked by a pair of “human-sized marionettes.” The Puppets were dragging a cart with an old man carrying a doll. The old man seemed to be arguing with the doll, while the doll was speaking through the old man. The old man protested the idea of attacking innocent people, but the doll insisted “The boss says this is the only way to make the big guy return to normal… you don’t want to be all alone again do you?”

According to sources, they managed to destroy one of the Puppets down to nothing but ash and saw dust, but a few minutes later it just pulled itself back together. The Guild portaled out every one they could to gather help, but by the time they returned, the Puppets, their Cart, and its passengers were gone, leaving behind no survivors. All missing were confirmed dead; there were no disappearances like that of Jackdaw here.

Important to note: the Puppets did all of the fighting, on behalf of the Doll. The Old Man arguing with his doll seemed all but along for the ride.

I will leave it there for others to dissect and connect to the rest of this mess.

--Mantel Warrane, W. QMA

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
Last edit: 15 Oct 2018 21:49 by Mantel (sigma-j).
17 Oct 2018 02:15 #23 by Moostrav Potrevski ()
Replied by Moostrav Potrevski () on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
We had something to say about silver, some basics on necessary for survival, just as bells fend off those things close to death, silver cuts them. As we said, we were going to say something about silver, but are choosing not to mention the basics, propose the Barony if it wishes to survive may even think of the idea to commission the smiths. The question on the amount of their brain matter though, be not topic which we speak. Ultimately this cult is rather impressive, and to judge yourselves more capable, would be a foolish endeavor. A fate such as that however, it's very befitting some of you. If you think buy some outside force, divine judgment, or by shear physical prowess you will live; you will cry. Victory has become something, we feel it's though you think is your birthright. This couldn't be farther from the truth. We see you bicker, and discuss these matters. The matters of silver. No actions however have been decided upon. You don't need to leader to make decisions, what you need is consensus. So what do you plan to do, we know what we're doing. Or do you plan to run around in rambling crews, each testing your faith in the grave. Our congregation grows near, weather that be your last, is up to the selective process called life, it will test your brain, and your brawn; not your faith in the like.

Moostrav Potrevski
1 of the 8 Heads of the Potrevski family

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17 Oct 2018 11:07 #24 by Zathir (Clevatus)
Replied by Zathir (Clevatus) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
((The paper this message is written is caked sand, it has a small stamp from a Z'Hadeem missive delivery service))

I am making haste my return to the proper, and have heard news that may be relavent to the matter at hand.

It woupd appear an ancient empress of my homeland had had her tomb raided.
Guards were killed and her body was taken.

We dont know much about her, aside from being poisoned early into her reign.

This may be unrelated, but this was one of the oldest catacombs in Amonzad and had until recently been undisturbed for generations.


Zathir Ib'n Hatim Al Nawar

-Vassal of Drega'Mire

(OOG-Nathaniel Galloway)
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17 Oct 2018 14:04 #25 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
If a Mummy appears, do not kill it. Contain or purify it. There is no avoiding the Mummy Death Curse. I have seen a brother pay for it with his life for another.

If anyone has contacts with the Witch Hunter House Ketatra, some advice on this matter would be appreciated.

--Mantel Warrane

Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
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17 Oct 2018 14:11 #26 by Saoirse Mac'Sidhe (Sidhe)
Replied by Saoirse Mac'Sidhe (Sidhe) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
I have access to the libraries of the Reynolds estate and Londwyn Royal library thanks to family ties. As of now I have been scouring through both relentlessly in an effort to find out any information about the creatures we may be facing. I am compiling my notes and will post them shortly.

Riley Reynolds


Saoirse Mac'Sidhe
Clergy of Galladel
Champion of Galladel

Riley Kane

OOG Name: Kayla Arold
17 Oct 2018 15:25 #27 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)

I’ll reach out to House Ketatra about the mummy.

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

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17 Oct 2018 18:13 #28 by Kleidin (Kleidin)
Replied by Kleidin (Kleidin) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
This old man and doll sounds familiar

Like the being at the center of the witchwood.

Lady Kleidin du Tenkukai Weaveforger Laurent-Belmont of Kaladonia
Master Witch Hunter, and Elder Druid
OOG: Diane Sodher
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17 Oct 2018 18:50 #29 by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon)
Replied by Reyna Del Dragon (reynadeldragon) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
Remind me of that story Kleiden?

I wrote to House Ketatra, I’m awaiting their response

Reyna Del Dragon Reign
Squire to Lady Lois Heimdell of Albriar
Master Witch Hunter
Robin of the Winged Victory
Daughter to the late Argyle Del Dragon Reign

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17 Oct 2018 20:18 #30 by Starling (starling)
Replied by Starling (starling) on topic Researching Recent Events (Anyone May Chime In!)
I promised a more thorough report on the connection the Major Arcana may have to this cabal's activities, members, and possibly victims. I've copied out notes that many of us who have some passing knowledge of the Major Arcana have been working on—it includes a few theories, suppositions and editorial comments, as well as all the information we concretely know about which phylacteries/cards are or have been in someone's possession. This exists with particular thanks to Cara, who compiled many of the meanings.

For those less familiar with tarot, many readers hold that each card can be read one of two ways: upright or reversed. Reversals are often read with alternate meanings—either the opposite of the upright meaning, or taking the energy of the upright meaning to extremes, or moving away from the upright card's meaning. Their meanings are, in either orientation, complex, multi-faceted, and depend on the other cards they're in context with. But when we look at Temperance, the only card we have positive confirmation of connection with a negative energy creature, many of us have seen a much stronger connection to the reversed meaning of the Temperance card (extremes, excess, lack of balance, departure from calm) than its upright meaning (balance, patience, calm). I think looking at the reversed meanings and trying to utilize them to connect cabal members to cards could be a fruitful endeavor.

Fool- a young man, embodiment of innocence, a free pure spirit who is just beginning their life’s journey.
Fool Reversed-recklessness, foolish naïveté, someone who has been tricked, insanity.

We know the Fool is conversing with us via letters on these boards.

I strongly suspect this is our acquaintance C.W. (---he seems to keep changing his name) - if not, it is someone with the same knowledge base of runes and necromancy and a very similar handwriting. - T. Starling
Magician- magic user, connection between the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Someone with unlimited potential. possibly a white sorcerer?
Magician reversed- struggling to progress, unfocused, misdirected. Can also represent greed, manipulation, trickery. Perhaps a black sorcerer?

Nesterin mentioned an apprentice at Ivory Tower that got influenced by a philosopher lich. Likely Hierophant. -Kanas

High Priestess- sacred knowledge, divine femininity, intuition and the subconscious mind. It is about balance, the masculine and the feminine, the dark and the light. In imagery she is a woman with the power of the divine, both in mystical knowledge and as a divine ruler. She could be a spiritual leader, a teacher, someone with access to knowledge and the unknown. One of the most common associations with Chronicler.
High Priestess reversed- secretive, hidden agendas, gossip and rumors. Withdrawal from the people around, silence.

Empress- femininity and beauty. Nurturing. A mother or matriarch, typically very in tune with nature or a creative soul. Often associated with Gaia and childbirth.
Empress reversed- creative blocks, giving too much energy to other people’s needs above your own, becoming codependent or controlling.

Emperor- a male authority or father figure, someone who demands respect. Rules with a fair but firm hand and likes to have the final say. Typically rational and logical.
Emperor reversed- dominating, overbearing, rigid. A tyrant.

Hierophant- masculine religious leader, a spiritual guide from a position of power. The balance between the conscious and subconscious. Someone who follows tradition.
Hierophant reversed- breaking the rules and changing the status quo, questioning the way things are.

We know they wrote a letter to “Devil” regarding Temperance. Does anyone have a copy? - T. Starling

From Father Ephrem- found a passage mentioning one of this creature's followers being an "ex-priest of our faith" though there is no mention of which faith (the notes are not dated). In a separate, undated scroll there is reference that this ex-priest had given up on faith and became a philosopher, having become disillusioned with the concept of religion and good and evil, eventually finding this reaper and becoming a lich in its service. In the same scroll there is a reference mentioning that this Reaper's lich was known as "The Hierophant" and was destroyed. Other scrolls also referenced The Hierophant being destroyed. However, in all of the documents there is absolutely no reference on whether or not his phylactery was ever found.

The Lovers - a harmonious and perfect relationship. Someone who has created a deep intimate emotional bond with another. Not necessarily romantic though it can be. Can also represent choices or duality.
The lovers reversed - disharmony, one sidedness, obsession, a break in communication, blaming others.

Rupert was talking about a true warlock by the name of Ozomdarth. According to him, it falls in love with it's hosts, and then cries over their passing. -Kanas

The Chariot - overcoming opposing forces or challenges to reach a goal. Perhaps a warrior or military leader, as it relates to maintaining control of your surroundings and keeping an ordered approach to a situation.
The chariot reversed- aggression or a lack of willpower or control. Obsession with achieving your goals no matter what.

Strength- inner strength and fortitude. Patience and compassion. Bravery. Someone who can have control of a situation without being heavy handed, who can take everything in stride without hurting those around them.
Strength reversed- anger or fear, self doubt or even depression. Jealousy of others happiness.

Donny said that they made a Dullahan. Whatever it is it must be a dangerous warrior. -Kanas

The hermit- Most often depicted as a wise old man, someone who has reached the peak of their knowledge and journey in life. He finds knowledge in solitude and wisdom in his inner journey.
The hermit reversed- finding madness or danger within. Trapped in an unreal world within your own mind, lost in his dreams.

The wheel of fortune- Life is full of goods and bads, ups and downs, the cycle we cannot control. Destiny, fate, prophecy. Random chance. Luck .
The wheel of fortune reversed- down on your luck, unlucky. Blaming oneself.

Justice- truth, fairness, law. Accounting for your actions. The imagery on the card is usually a woman bearing a sword and scales to show impartialness. Someone who focuses on the truth and bringing clarity of the truth to light.
Justice reversed- dishonesty, denial, unwilling to make up for wrong actions or deal with consequences.

Ilana found mention of the body of an infamous Nordejar executioner having been recently stolen. It’s certainly a literal interpretation of the reversal of Justice, though I’m open to other interpretations. Maybe Judgement? — T. Starling

The hanged man- Sacrifice, martyrdom, repentance. Time to reflect on decisions.
The Hanged Man Reversed- fear of sacrifice, stalling.

Death- change. The end of one phase and the beginning of another. Purification. Metamorphosis.
Death Reversed-resisting change, regret, stagnation

The Fool indicated that death led the cult -C. Tartaros

Temperance- balance, harmony, patience.
Temperance Reversed- out of balance, stressed, anxiety, turbulence. Excess.

In life was an Andorran Priestess who was killed/died in such a way that her soul was unable to pass to eodra and she became a white woman. -C.Tartaros

Fairly sure she was tortured and killed by Hierophant and/or Devil directly for the purpose of making her Temperance. As horrid as that sounds. - T. Starling

The Devil- a powerful being with dominion over others. The more time his followers spend with him, the more like him they become. His followers don’t have individual power, it has been taken away from them to give him power but they are addicted to what they get from him.
the Devil reversed- hiding deepest self

Hierophant wrote letters to them, right? - T. Starling

The Tower: Sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster. The destruction of underlying foundations.
The Tower reversed: Disaster avoided, delaying disaster, fear of suffering.

The Star: Hope, faith, rejuvenation.
The Star Reversed: Insecurity, discouragement, faithlessness.

The Moon: Unconscious, illusions, intuition.
The Moon reversed: Confusion, fear, misinterpretation, deception.

The Sun: Joy, success, celebration, positivity.
The Sun Reversed: Negativity, sadness,

Judgement: Reflection, reckoning, awakening. To face the Judgement card is to face our honest self.
Judgement Reversed: Doubt, self-loathing, lack of self awareness.

The World: Fulfillment, harmony, completion, unity.
The World Reversed: Incompletion, no closure, emptiness.

Several of us, I think, have expressed the theory that this card may represent the Granfalloon. - T. Starling.


As a final note (my apologies, this document is long and I am making it longer still) — the Major Arcana tells a story, the Fool's Journey, in which each card is the next step. A character the Fool meets, or an event that befalls him, on his journey to understanding and fulfillment (represented by the last card, the World). In this story, the Fool is the main character.

So I ask this, Messere Fool: what path lead you to that title?

Squire to Lord Angelica Tellinghast
Viceroy of Drega'mire

OOG: Alice Bryson
Marshal, New Player Rep
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