Be The Change

02 Nov 2018 00:06 - 02 Nov 2018 00:43 #1 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Be The Change was created by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
To the People,

Yet again we find ourselves in the crossfire of nobles and their powerplays. Yet again we are being put into a situation where we must choose 'sides'. But I ask you this... why? Why do they get to decide who 'rules' us and who is in charge? Because they were born into rank? They do not KNOW us. I have not once called a noble by their rank. 'Lord'. 'Lady'. No. You are just people like the rest of us. And yet you hold meetings in which the common folk cannot attend or have say. In a court of justice, a noble's word far outweighs that of your everyday commoner. How is that fair? So do not pick a side. Be your own side. Be your own people. Show them that we are strong and we have as much rights to this world and what happens as they do. Do not choose a ruler for their 'right' or their 'blood'. Do not stay quiet. Let your voices be heard. Show them that you have every right to be here and to do as you please. You are strong. You are worthy. Do not let them think that you will be 'owned' or submit quietly. Because that is what they want. For you to be good little sheep and listen to them and fight for them. You are worth far more than that. So show it. Prove it. Rise up and tell them that you will submit to their rule no more!

((OOG: There is no signature other than the Eye of Malyc posted above. Cannot figure out how to resize it. SORRY))

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
Last edit: 02 Nov 2018 00:43 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme).
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02 Nov 2018 00:40 - 02 Nov 2018 00:41 #2 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Be The Change
Boy, if you're trying to dig yourself out of that hole, I have a spoon you can borrow.


OOG -- Jeff Balla
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Last edit: 02 Nov 2018 00:41 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche).
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02 Nov 2018 00:43 #3 by Sindarion (Steven SA)
Replied by Sindarion (Steven SA) on topic Be The Change
Tread carefully.

~ Knight Morgan "Sindarion" Sinclair
[strike]Vagabond[/strike] Harper

Steven Sebastian Amore
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02 Nov 2018 01:03 #4 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Be The Change
A braver sort would own their words. Anarchy does not suit you if you won't even support yourself.

I'll never claim my title came from birth or blood.
I'll never ask another to do something I would never dare do myself.
My word means nothing if I cannot back it up, or if the people do not believe it.

I speak for myself in this, but how dare you, coward who hides behind an eye that holds meaning, stake such general claims, lumping many in with the few.
You'd better pick a better time to incite a riot than when you yourself will need help in the coming weeks.
Don't make more enemies than you can handle.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
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02 Nov 2018 01:13 #5 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Replied by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme) on topic Be The Change
I own my words in the symbol I sign behind. I am not stupid enough to think that no one knows who it is who says these words. And yet, we now have nobles with fancy titles on one side claiming their 'right' to Kormyre, and the Count on the other seeking to put one of the 'correct' bloodline onto a throne. We are nothing but pawns in games to them and I say we do not play it the way they want. You want a name signed? Fine. Read it now and know who speaks up.

Khala Stormbringer

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
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02 Nov 2018 01:22 #6 by Sindarion (Steven SA)
Replied by Sindarion (Steven SA) on topic Be The Change
That's not carefully.

~ Knight Morgan "Sindarion" Sinclair
[strike]Vagabond[/strike] Harper

Steven Sebastian Amore
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02 Nov 2018 02:08 #7 by Seth (Kurteth)
Replied by Seth (Kurteth) on topic Be The Change
We have nobles so people like you don't get to have choices on the mass public affairs.

I think I read somewhere calling for revolution is illegal.

See you on the chopping block.



OOG:Ben Carlson
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02 Nov 2018 02:24 #8 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic Be The Change
I think you read that in the law books. Pamphlet. Actually it's more like a piece of paper. There aren't that many really.


OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
02 Nov 2018 08:23 #9 by Jenn Cutter (Jenn)
Replied by Jenn Cutter (Jenn) on topic Be The Change
Khala, you've really done it this time.

To anyone even considering following this plan:
DON"T. Nothing Khala suggests is a good idea. She has so much innocent blood on her hands. During the times of Eden, THOUSANDS died because she thought it would be fun to start attacking the homunculi villages near where we were and eventually led others to doing the same. And she has yet to show any remorse. She is not worthy of your trust.

Dr. Selby Wainwright
Viceroy of Albriar
Quartermaster of the Blood Spirits Mercenary Company
Acting Guildmaster of the Travancian Crafters Guild

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02 Nov 2018 08:35 #10 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Be The Change
Let's talk theologically for a moment. You might have had a case in the event that the nation was stagnating and falling to ruin because too many people were getting comfortable in their positions and caring little for those beneath them. This just isn't the case. The kingdom is not stagnating. It is in turmoil. It is a whirlwind of active perpetual action. In this moment, every step we are taking is a step forward and we -- let me clarify; "We" includes you and any person who chooses to take involvement -- are actively seeking the most appropriate to take the throne, who is not entirely deemed such by blood alone. Travance wouldn't support a weak monarch. The ruler of Kormyre will be as strong, if not stronger, that King Aleric Nostrov, who will lead forward without settling. That, in itself, is entirely in favor of your own God's will.

And here you are, inciting another rebellion, against the exact change you're looking for?

Do you actually follow Malyc's word? Or are you simply an Anarchist?

I won't make this a matter of legality, because I believe you are just unsure of yourself in this time. I won't let this color my perception of you, and will continue to help you learn and guide you in the efforts you've asked my council.

But please, decide what your convictions are, because this is a weak and loose cry and we have other, far more dangerous, revolutionaries to consider right now.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
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02 Nov 2018 09:06 #11 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Replied by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme) on topic Be The Change

If you think I actually want to rule, you are sadly mistaken. But some level of input would be nice. A level of input from everyone is my goal.


Yes. I made a mistake. I have openly admitted that. I did not think my plan all the way through, but the reason we were found afterwards was because of another. NOT me. But what I did was action. Because everyone else wants to sit around and debate and not do anything about the problems. I, at least, made an attempt to fight back. But what I learned from that is that having the drive and fight is all well and good, however speaking up and finding other like-minds to work with gives your idea and your plan much more success.


Then why is it that I still run into people afraid to speak up against others because they are nobles? Commoners who let things slide and let things go because they don't think they will be listened to. We, as Travancians, always seem to wind up being the deciding factor in issue after issue. We have saved the entire world on multiple occasions. Why are we still under the rule of a King? And you even admit in your words that there are people 'beneath you', even though I do know that you have been better than most in care for those under your rule. But why is anyone 'beneath' another? Yes, I technically hold a form of title. I am a Dean at a school. But I have never once considered my staff to be beneath me. My students have open forums where they can talk to me like they would each other and their ideas are listened to. But when I come to Travance what do I see? Meetings of nobles where others cannot attend. I am watching as some listing of nobles I have never even heard of tries to stake claim to a throne that it turns out we haven't had anyone in for YEARS. And yet we are no worse for the wear other than the fact that yet another noble has been lying to us. Both sides are at fault. And now what is going to happen? There is going to be fighting where commoners are going to die for no reason other than the fact that they are told to fight by their nobles.

Khala Stormbringer

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
02 Nov 2018 09:15 #12 by Jenn Cutter (Jenn)
Replied by Jenn Cutter (Jenn) on topic Be The Change

Like I stated, you led others to do the same. That responsibility still lies on you.

Your problem remains the same as it was then. You confuse planning and researching with inaction.

Dr. Selby Wainwright
Viceroy of Albriar
Quartermaster of the Blood Spirits Mercenary Company
Acting Guildmaster of the Travancian Crafters Guild

OOG Jenn Cutter
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02 Nov 2018 09:25 #13 by Tom P (Father Ridigan)
Replied by Tom P (Father Ridigan) on topic Be The Change
Khala, the very act of surviving in that timeline was an act of rebellion against Eden. The act of feeding, clothing, and housing thousands of people was an action in defiance of Eden's will. We weren't just surviving. We were prospering. To not understand that was, and still is your greatest folly.

-Robert Morgan Esquire

Tom P

Father Ridigan

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02 Nov 2018 10:32 #14 by Gabriel Chance (Kiellor)
Replied by Gabriel Chance (Kiellor) on topic Be The Change
Oh look. Another weakling who doesn't understand her 'god' was a man who gained power. Instead of searching for your own power you are content to he subservient to him.

You are weak Khala, you are afraid, you spout nonsense and drivel and act as if you are riling the masses. All you are doing is giving me further reason to laugh at the knowledge that in 50 years no one will remember your name.

Gabriel Chance
High Arcanist of Drega'mire
Binder of the Vestige Argolarium the Bound King

OOG:Drew Benton
Story Teller
02 Nov 2018 10:51 #15 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Replied by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme) on topic Be The Change

Yes, because it's possible to be 'subservient' to a god that told his followers never to even bow to him. I do not bow or put myself at his mercy. Instead I live the tenants, and while I use the powers granted to me by following those, I also encourage my followers to find their own strength. Every bit of power I have is something that I have fought for and worked to achieve. I speak my mind and I show no fear to you or any others who think they can overpower me. I don't even let death hold me back. So if you think in 50 years I won't be known... you have another thing coming. I WILL be known. I have goals and I have plans being put into motion that do not concern the current topic at hand. I learn from my mistakes and will continue to grow. So call me what you will. Believe what you will. But know that in 50 years I will still be around and stronger than ever.

Khala Stormbringer

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
02 Nov 2018 11:04 #16 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Be The Change
I'm going to ask that we halt this lecture for the moment please.

I am going to speak with Khala here, on school grounds, or later at feast: Her Preference.

I suggest anyone else who wants to add to this conversation speak to her as well. There is no need to clutter up this board further.

Dame Ilana Darkwood
Knight of Pendarvin
Headmistress of Darkwood Academy

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
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02 Nov 2018 11:31 - 02 Nov 2018 11:37 #17 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic Be The Change
I am perfectly fine with all opinions that I may or may not agree with. I asked politely that this conversation end and that is why the last post was removed.

Start somewhere else if you really want to.

Dennis had a good point to bring up however:

Some may view her words as an act of Treason. At the very least, her words are Conspiracy to Refuse One of Noble Title in Any Regard and Interfere in Their Conduct. However, it looks as though Lord Tartaros has decided to overlook her faux pas and treat this as a teachable moment. And as is his word, she shall not be charged with breaking the Laws of Travance.

Dame Ilana Darkwood

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 02 Nov 2018 11:37 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood).
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02 Nov 2018 11:43 #18 by Seth (Kurteth)
Replied by Seth (Kurteth) on topic Be The Change
Lord Tartaros does not run the barony and thus has no say over what she is charged with writing on Baronial grounds.

Instigating rebellion is treason.

Under the authority of the Seneschal and the Baronial Inquisition she will be tried and executed as well as her rights and possessions seized.



OOG:Ben Carlson
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02 Nov 2018 11:58 #19 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Replied by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell) on topic Be The Change
Dame Darkwood,

Feel free to join us when Khala is brought in to be tried. I welcome your observations.

There will be no more posts on this stack.

Seneschal Heimdell


((OOG: Cassie Stanley, Marshal Deputy))
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