You’re not wrong, you’re just outdated

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02 Nov 2018 18:06 #1 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
You’re not wrong, you’re just outdated was created by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Let me pen some words, and try to work through some of what I have been thinking as of late.

This whole “thing” is much older than a young druids words. This goes way back to a rag tag group of people on an expedition to uncharted lands. Across a dangerous and scary rift, to a savage land nothing like back home. Those originally in power had to, even in the first days, bend the laws of their homeland to suit the fact that there was no system in place to carry out that law. If Travance was or is the same as the rest of the Kingdom of Kormyre, those laws would stand fast in holding a much and needed peace from threats to it.

But it wasn’t the same, isn’t the same, and I suspect never will be. People who spent time here learned different values than those trained and groomed so far away. I have watched those trained in the greater etiquette of Kormyre come to Travance and learn a hard and valuable lesson: If you do not live by the sword, you will surely perish. This is not meant literally, but in some way it is. Dangers face us again, and again. This is the breeding pool for heroes, the reason heroes don’t flock to the capital is the only dangers they face is a lost crop or stolen supplies. No army in years would dare march on our capitol, at least not until they did. During the demon wars the bulk of the population of the kingdom was not ready to fight, because those that were ready did not live in the capitol... they lived here. Where glory is attainable, and where through their noble action one can rise from the ranks of commoner to that of Baron. Ambition for power, for glory, for honor or respect. Name any reason people come here, it matters little. This place changes you, it molds you.

It certainly has molded me. It has been so long since I’ve seen guards posted near letters, notes and cards with spears aimed at anyone who dares to share their opinion. This was common in a past age of Travance when nobles who were either stationed here by the Kingdom, or appointed by those who had been. It took a very long time for nobles to stop forcing a subject to prove whether or not they were capable of something against the law, or at least against what they held in the hearts to be the true law. In the end, we are all capable of it. Being able to use dark power was punished harshly for so long, until people started to ask: Why? Why are you using that dark power. In my case, I had nowhere to turn. I was turned away from my guild, from my home, and from my people.

But things changed, as they need to. The very person who so turned me away spent some time in introspection. Started to reflect on the kind of person they wanted to be, and to be perceived. Now, he spends so much time trying to educate and change people whose crime is ignorance. And still I see the seeds of the past come back to haunt us. Treason? Do any of you know what the word really means? The only law of Travance it is referenced in spends so much time stating what you should never do to the Barony, before finally stating at the very end that one should not commit Treason against the Kingdom. I think there is a reason it so worded. That which harms us as a people, should be foremost in our mind. I, for so long, held no loyalties. Not in my heart anyway. I watched the demon wars close, and everyone try so hard to return to an old time, but that time was filled with weakness. We faced greater and greater horrors, and somehow someway stood against them. I returned to my home, and my people in our time of need. I could have left, but I changed. I become loyal to some abstract concept of “us”.

I don’t know what that is, and I don’t think the people on the side opposing those who are ACTUALLY starting a rebellion do either. We know that we hold the power, if we want it. This land gave us that power, and so it was taken. Call it what you want, but what WE did WAS treason. At least in the most literal sense, does that mean you are going to take arms against our highest rank of nobility? You wouldn’t dare. You are afraid of him, as is everyone else in the world. That’s fine, we’ll use that to buy time. And someday, maybe, we will find someone fit to lead.

Now why don’t you think, stop abusing bureaucratic power and get to the heart of every situation. Do not veil your hatred by invoking law. She’s not wrong. Her opinion is just outdated. People, the commoners, do fear nobility. Because the sins of the past die hard. I know I still find it hard to trust any of them. But I changed, and so can she, and so can you.

As it is said in ‘The Path of True Enlightenment’ chapter 1:6
“Only with the destruction of old ways can the world move ahead. When those who have let stagnation into their hearts, weakness into their bodies, and enslavement into their minds have died out those that remain shall form a glory like no other.”

We have been charged as those with power to choose one to lead. Each of “us” must unite and follow one with the power and convictions of us all, or keep searching. Those that veil themselves in bureaucracy, in right not earned not tested must stand aside as those with power rule themselves.

Learn, grow, and be strong. Live without fear. Do not let the weak oppress you. Trust what you know, in your heart, to be true. And above all else, do not let anyone else’s title or rights be your shield.

Orophin Earfalas,
Slave to nothing

-Tim P
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02 Nov 2018 19:58 #2 by Wili ()
Replied by Wili () on topic You’re not wrong, you’re just outdated
If Travancian was founded by a ragtag group of adventurers, in a previously unclaimed land- why are we even part of Kormyre?

Wilindé Aläciel
AKA Wili
Blackbird Manager Extraordinaire

OOG-Kelley Commeford
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02 Nov 2018 20:02 #3 by Dennis Brand (Devin)
Replied by Dennis Brand (Devin) on topic You’re not wrong, you’re just outdated
The history of Travance starts with its namesake. It all started when a commoner, by the name, Jonathan Travance rescued the King’s daughter from her hideous captors. In the process of rescuing the Princess, this commoner had also discovered a series of caverns deep within the rift were the two sides meet, making passage to the other side once again possible. The King granted this commoner the noble title of Baron and as a reward quested this man to claim land on the other side of the rift in name of the Kingdom of Kormyre.

- Dennis

ig: Dennis Brand | oog: Devin G., marshal
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03 Nov 2018 00:21 - 03 Nov 2018 00:22 #4 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic You’re not wrong, you’re just outdated
It was founded by a group sent under Kormyre's banner, with supplies from the kingdom to settle the land. Travance was founded by the support of Kormyre, and thrives by the support of Kormyre.

If you'd like, I will break down how reliant this barony is on the supplies brought in through Kormyre's trade routes. Or how such a separating this barony from the kingdom will drastically harm the thousands of people who live in it.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
Last edit: 03 Nov 2018 00:22 by Aleister (Aleister).
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03 Nov 2018 13:56 #5 by Berek Orino (Andrew609)
Replied by Berek Orino (Andrew609) on topic You’re not wrong, you’re just outdated
Since we are talking about history has there been a time when there were several competing claims for the crown that were resolved without battles? War is hard on the farmers and crafts people.

Berek Orino
Vice Exchequer of Travance
Assistant Quartermaster of Travance

OOG -- Andrew Cook
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03 Nov 2018 16:02 #6 by Wren (Wren)
Replied by Wren (Wren) on topic You’re not wrong, you’re just outdated
Lord Admiral Aleister Tartaros,

I would appreciate knowing how reliant this barony is on the supplies brought in by Kormyre and how separating from the kingdom will effect Travance. I find that I don't know enough about the situation and I think that such information would help me, and everyone else who reads it, become more informed on the situation.

- Sir Wrenton Revlis of Albriar, The Knight of Wands.
Steward of Sagewood
Headmaster of Darkwood Academy

O.O.G. Adam D. (Marshal)
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