The war effort outside of Travance will not allow myself, and a few of the senior chefs to return.
We have left the responsibility of feeding you all during this feast to the rest of our capable team.
That being said, they can use extra help with certain tasks.
Setting up the kitchen
Maintaining the cleanliness of the bar area.
(Including washing cups and bottles)
Service for the feast itself
Cleaning up after feast.
These tasks should take no longer than 15 to 20 minutes to accomplish.
With your aide we can ensure that everyone has enough to eat, and in a timely fashion.
You can't slay the undead on an empty stomach.
Your service to us will be greatly rewarded in gold (OOG: & service points).
Forever in your debt,
Jericho Hǔ lì (Byron)
"Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley."
Squire to Sir Odette D. Lucatiel
Private in the Kormyrian Army