From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun

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24 Jan 2019 07:46 - 24 Jan 2019 08:06 #1 by Ephrem (bamore62)
From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun was created by Ephrem (bamore62)
[In a smooth, deliberate hand the following words are written on a sheet of vellum:]

Most beloved of the world,

I, High Pontiff Artreus, write to you from the Sanctus Luminarium in Glangsdale. Several faithful of both the light and dark churches have bid me advise them on an order whom refer to themselves as “the blazing sun”. My faithful here have conducted a full investigation of this order and I report to you their findings. There is no mention of this blazing sun as far as we can tell in any of the ancient valosian records. It is not an order sanctioned by the high church of Valos, either by my oversight, or the oversight of any High Pontiff before me. I have been informed of the actions and deeds of the blazing sun and I do not believe that this is a good intentioned order of the faithful, but instead more likely an extremist cult hiding behind the convenient cover of religion. The practices of this cult appear to fundamentally go against all moral decency and dwell in the areas of reprehensible intolerance and fanaticism.

It is true that in the deep history of the valosian church, corruption besieged us from within. Since reforming the light church we have worked hard to truly serve the people and not ourselves. We have routed out corruption so that only pure thought and intention for the truest good to mankind remains. This cult is not the result of some new corruption, I fear it is something far more sinister.

I have prayed on this matter for guidance. I cannot say with certainty whether their actions are maliciously false or if they are most severely misguided. I can say that despite what they claim or even think, they are not a force of good in this world. They do not have the true backing and blessing of our lord, whether they have found a way to somehow perform his miracles or not. It is my belief that this cult needs to be stopped. At best they are spreading a false appearance of how the church of light operates, undoing the hard work of our truly faithful; and at worst they are actually performing atrocities which would require that they are met with justice. Whether you are a faithful of the light, the dark, or even otherwise an unbeliever in either, the existence of this order threatens you and your way of life and it is my suggestion that you find a way to put an end to it. While it is likely that the sword of justice must be swung in this campaign, please be weary the power of those who can manipulate the minds of the vulnerable. It may be that you will need to first gain back the understanding of those effected by this falsely planted hysteria before enacting justice, or risk turning their deaths into martyrdom of false teachings. I don’t envy the work ahead of you, but know that it must be done. I will pray for your success in this and all things.

[A sheet of simple parchment is attached to the original document, hastily written in a well known hand:]
The Pontiff had already prepared this statement, and after receiving my own report as I arrived, handed it to me. I would urge swift action, but with the extreme caution of not injuring those vulnerable ones who have been manipulated by these false teachings. The Pontiff's words hold much wisdom in this regard.
Yours in the Light,

Father Ephrem
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
the Heart of Valos

OOG: Bryan Amore
Last edit: 24 Jan 2019 08:06 by Ephrem (bamore62). Reason: font
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24 Jan 2019 08:22 - 24 Jan 2019 13:10 #2 by Victor Wainwright (HanSalva)
Replied by Victor Wainwright (HanSalva) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
T h a n k y o u.

Let this Holy War begin then~
Cleric Wainwright of the Dark

Dr. Victor Wainwright
Steward of Stonefall
OOG: Han/Hana Salvacion (They/them)
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24 Jan 2019 10:41 #3 by Byron Qua (byronqua)
Replied by Byron Qua (byronqua) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Father Ephrem,

Your words and prayers have come to my aide in battle many times.
My sword is yours to command

On my honor,

Jericho Hǔ lì (Byron)
"Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley."

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24 Jan 2019 13:06 - 25 Jan 2019 02:48 #4 by Damien Marcain (Mike P.)
Replied by Damien Marcain (Mike P.) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun


(This post has been torn down deliberately)

~Damien Marcain
Vassal of Albriar
Archivist of the Order of the Sagewardens

(OOG: Mike Packi)
Last edit: 25 Jan 2019 02:48 by Damien Marcain (Mike P.).
24 Jan 2019 13:32 #5 by Victor Wainwright (HanSalva)
Replied by Victor Wainwright (HanSalva) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
My Friend, I believe we have made an error. We have heard from The Dark, and now we have heard from the Head of the Light, but in our zealous excitement, we have forgotten a crucial part of our Eodran pantheon. Our dear Neutral clergy.

So I call out to thee, what say you? Will you join us, support us, fight by our side, dear friends and allies?

My Sincerest Apologies,
Dr.Victor Wainwright

Dr. Victor Wainwright
Steward of Stonefall
OOG: Han/Hana Salvacion (They/them)
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24 Jan 2019 14:30 #6 by Ephrem (bamore62)
Replied by Ephrem (bamore62) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Yes, indeed. You speak the truth. We need not only all the followers of the Eodran pantheon (Light, Dark, AND Neutral), but all persons of good will who aid us in bringing an end to this travesty named "Blazing Sun."

Father Ephrem
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
the Heart of Valos

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24 Jan 2019 16:43 - 24 Jan 2019 16:45 #7 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
These are refreshing words to hear from the Pontiff. Merely two years ago, I walked in fear after my baptism, and even then, the status quo was nothing like what some of our older clergy faced. Our world is changing, though some would deny it, kicking and screaming... and hurting... and killing.... as these heretics are.

Perhaps it is no longer the law of the jungle, of tooth and claw and the desperate scramble for power over anything and anyone. More's the pity, for that world, though brutal, is the world I was molded in, and I would like to think of myself as no longer the "little cat" who was the victim of far too many torments, but a wiser, stronger warrior of god. And so are many of you. This world molded all of us, including the despicable Order of the Blazing Sun.

I'm sure if you try hard enough, angle it hard enough (looking at you, Andorrans) you can find a reason to excuse them for being "manipulated" into it or "misunderstood." I remember how that works. But it takes a certain kind of person capable of laying that flaming torch against an orphanage's walls. It takes a certain kind of person to truly relish in self proclaimed superiority and torment. Keep that in mind when you're trying to "talk them down" and "help them see reason."

So do we keep the world we know or do we change it? And how will we see "justice" done? I know what justice my God wants, and she will have it.

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
Last edit: 24 Jan 2019 16:45 by Swyft (agentswift).
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24 Jan 2019 17:08 #8 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Dame Swyft,

We all know I like a good scrap as much as anyone. I say this: Give your goddess the bloodshed, pain and battle she craves. Go ahead. But do not kill them. I call attention to the words of the Pontiff, which are wisdom that anyone should not be offended by:

"While it is likely that the sword of justice must be swung in this campaign, please be weary the power of those who can manipulate the minds of the vulnerable. It may be that you will need to first gain back the understanding of those effected by this falsely planted hysteria before enacting justice, or risk turning their deaths into martyrdom of false teachings."

If we kill them outright, with no trial, we force a digging in of heels. Then it becomes easy for them to up the acts of madness inspired by false ideals. then we will see more depraved and desperate measures. A trial and an opportunity to repent/do penance is the best mercy we can show them. Some may be swept up in a mob, fearing their own lives if they did not go along, and seeking an opportunity to leave. we give those individuals that option. I have my own thoughts on how to go about doing that, what with the current civil war and all.
-Father MacFhionnlaigh

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
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24 Jan 2019 17:26 #9 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Replied by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
I speak here as cenobite and cleric, not Seneschal.

I will not claim to be an expert on justice, but I do know this: in these lands, when people do the type of harm that the leaders of the Blazing Sun have done, we execute them.

Those who have not yet put a torch to any may yet see the error of their ways, and I would rather gain followers for the Gods than destroy all possibility of that happening by killing indiscriminately. Those at the top, no, I do not believe they will repent, and that is why we have swords and magic and claws. The ones at the bottom, and any of the common folk who were tricked or forced into joining by threat, we may yet turn. For those of us who are clergy, it is our calling to show people like this the way, and that does not change just because some of them made the mistake of getting taken in by a cult. We have all made mistakes that we needed to learn from.

To have the True Word of the Gods brought down to us by Their own hand and then ignore that Truth is anathema to a Chroniclerite.

To see them use their strength to bully and cause suffering with no purpose, with no chance of those they harm growing stronger, is anathema to an Aguarran.

If they raise arms, fight back; if they do not, speak with them. Either way, we will show them the real path to God.


((OOG: Cassie Stanley, Marshal Deputy))
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24 Jan 2019 18:01 #10 by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933)
Replied by Donald MacFhionnlaigh (raidr0933) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
I think we're coming to the same conclusion, Lois, but from different directions. I merely wish to stress the importance of going through the judicial process before execution- prove the gits wrong. I have a plan to do this, if you are interested.

-Father Donny

Donald MacFhionnlaigh
OOG: Sean Farquharson "Jarhead"
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24 Jan 2019 18:43 #11 by Moostrav Potrevski ()
Replied by Moostrav Potrevski () on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Crawl back in the whole you stewed from. If we find a being under their banner, that raises or even touches so much at the hilt of their blade, we will do more then simply kill them. Any, such as yourself, who would dare to come to their aid; fall within our array of goad and sycophants.

Now the children are another matter, the young they do turn will have their chance to deny their god and come into our good graces, they will re-earn their humanity on the battlefield. We feel as though the Aguarans wont protest this.

Those older... should have known better. If they spill even a bead of sweat for these mongrels... they will find their fate.

To us this is no holy war, to us this is no crusade, this here, we fight for the protection of our people; and we find severed heads pleasing.

Take the grotesque sock that is your faith Donald, and gag on it.

Moostrav Potrevski
1 of the 8 Heads of the Potrevski family

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24 Jan 2019 18:49 #12 by Mantel (sigma-j)
Replied by Mantel (sigma-j) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
This soft-of-faith Friar of Visigalis stands with Eodra against these god-forgotten mortals.


Mantel Warrane (AWz., QMA; AM, WSS)
Grand Librarian Emeritus, Darkwood Academy of the Metaphysical Arts
Professor Emeritus of Weave Studies, Darkwood Academy
Warden of the Keep, Allied Territory of Corvancia

(OOG Jean M, they/them)

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole." - C.G. Jung
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ephrem (bamore62), Victor Wainwright (HanSalva)
24 Jan 2019 18:55 #13 by Joseph Siegel (Bengarion)
Replied by Joseph Siegel (Bengarion) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Father Ephrem,
I followed you as best I could all through the battle to reclaim those of our people who could at their base defend themselves. You can easily imagine where I would place myself now.

These reports, the tales of the Blazing Sun, they set me to ponder. It is a question I have asked several times when confronted with violence and threat. Not can I win, but should I win. Power is not enough to justify anything but its own existence...and if devoid of all else all it can do is destroy. So, when we confront these fellows, when we confront those who have heard their words and found them moving, when we reach that conflict our actions will bear the answer to the question...should we win.

It is fear, hate, and what is easy set against calm, patience, understanding, and courage to face the world that is, rather that destroy all possible maybe's that we do not control.....

Pardon me, I am still young in the ways of those here. I will see you soon to make myself a little older by you side and wisdom.

Bengarion Whitebane Mortimer

RN: Joseph Siegel
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24 Jan 2019 18:56 - 24 Jan 2019 19:00 #14 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
To all my brothers and sisters in Faith and to anyone who might wonder where the Church of Brazen stands...

It is his teachings that advise those of his faithful to improve their selves and to improve the lot of others so they may flourish.

Through self-improvement and helping others to do so, we all benefit.

The acts of this "faction", this group of malcontents and murderers hiding under the guise of the light church.... Are not to be condoned. Those of my faith would work to stop them even before the pontiff of the Light churches had his missive published for us to read.

My hammer and blade stand on the side of Travance... And on the side of what is morally right AND what benefits the most people.

And to paraphrase-quote Donnie, giving these individuals the kicking of their ever insufferable lives... Is a Duty for this Priest of Brazen.

And a duty any of the Brazen Faithful would pick up. I dare say, given who holds His Teaching in their heart in this province... I should think all of His Church will be working to remove this blight upon all the work done by all Faiths.

Self-improvement, Improvement of those around you, Improvement of your environment....

Growth, understanding, knowledge, creation, crafting learning....

These are what we believe in. What this Order of the Blazing Sun believes in is obviously not that.

The Church of Brazen fully supports the efforts of both the Light and the Dark to remove this problem from all of our lives.

This group... are a destructive force that serves no purpose. Therefore they need to be addressed in a most direct and definitive fashion. It is the Opinion that they be repurposed or removed from existence.

Respectfully yours

Father Duncan MacKenzie.
Templar- Priest of Brazen

Father Duncan MacKenzie

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Last edit: 24 Jan 2019 19:00 by JTinney (Swordsaint). Reason: Typos
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24 Jan 2019 20:02 #15 by Cara Easton (Raeelle)
Replied by Cara Easton (Raeelle) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
I cannot speak for the entire Church of Chronicler nor the entirety of the Order Aligned Clergy, but I speak for myself and the promise I made to Our Lady Chronicler. Every person on Arawyn is part of the Great Story, good or evil, light or dark, order or chaos. I will stand to protect the stories of the innocents against those who think they have the right to rewrite their stories, to end them. I will gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with both the Light and Dark clergy, as well as any other of the Order Clergy and those who hold non-Eodrans patrons dear to them, both as a Devotee of Chronicler and a Cleric of the Weave.

In the service of the Weave and for the protection of the Great Story,
-C. Tartaros

Alt : Laurel Astraeus

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24 Jan 2019 23:50 - 24 Jan 2019 23:52 #16 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
The Church of Galmachis will kill those associated with this cult.

The ones who do not raise a sword to us will have a chance to hear the true words.

The ones who raise a sword or prayer against us, will be slain on the spot. I have no wish for them to see trial. If it is their destiny to die with a sword in their hand trying to kill a servant of Death, so be it. They have killed those who follow me without question and without trial. We will give them the same treatment.

-Gal'Azin Merikh Tazam

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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25 Jan 2019 07:54 - 25 Jan 2019 07:56 #17 by Ephrem (bamore62)
Replied by Ephrem (bamore62) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
To my fellow Travancians, all of whom I hold dear,

It is good to see such strong faith and determined conviction. The Blazing Sun does not know full well what it has done in declaring a war on us. We have not only shown glory in our victories, but we have even shown tremendous resilience in our defeats. When it does come to a clash of steel, I have a very realistic confidence that we will prevail.

But the vanguard of our force is not the use of the sword or spell. Let us not waste our strong faith and conviction on foolishness. If our initial assault is by means of arms, then we will work against our own cause and create martyrs for their cause thus swelling their ranks. Our first assault is to be a battle of words and ideas, of promises and truths, of thoughts and emotions. Let us not be unwise and lose this battle, for it is not just a simple skirmish but it is full battle. My petition to all of you is that in this battle of wits let us not go forth unarmed!

Our initial goal, very simply is to decimate their ranks by desertion. Show them their errors. Make them see that their means are antithetical to the common good. Enlighten them so as to make them drop their weapons in disgust to the goals that the leaders of this heretical movement have somehow impressed upon them.

Also, Father Donald brings up good points that some may be pressed into the service of this army, by fear of harm to either themselves or their loved ones. Others might have been tricked by lies and false promises - of which the liars will be held most accountable to retributive justice. Some others may have foolishly taken up arms just by virtue of the fact that their lives are empty of cause and purpose and this heresy fills that vacuum. There in lies the contours of our battlefield; do not ignore the shape of the field and the positioning of our forces. Ignoring the conditions of the battlefield is a grave and terminal mistake.

At this point we need:
1) Information as to any means that the enemy uses fear of harm to the commoner or their loved ones. Information on their means of proselytizing and why it is working.
2) A means to communicate and reach out to those who follow this heresy either with blindness or by false promises.
3) Consistent and unified theme(s) to sway those who might reject the leadership and purpose of this heresy.
4) Establishing a place of refuge for those who do desert the enemy.

Father Ephrem
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
the Heart of Valos

OOG: Bryan Amore
Last edit: 25 Jan 2019 07:56 by Ephrem (bamore62). Reason: boldface emphasis
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25 Jan 2019 09:16 #18 by Chris D (Brogan)
Replied by Chris D (Brogan) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
The Church of Glomm stands against the heresy. Jed has requested the chance to preach to them and sway their souls back to the truth. Should that fail our church will put an end to them and devour their rot.

Cyan Bloodbane

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25 Jan 2019 12:20 #19 by Ephrem (bamore62)
Replied by Ephrem (bamore62) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Thank you Cyan Bloodbane. It is very fortuitous for all of us that the Church of Glomm is willing to bring back these heretics to the true worship of Valos. I thank you.

And for those who do not repent of their horrific actions, retributive justice is most certainly called for.


Father Ephrem
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
the Heart of Valos

OOG: Bryan Amore
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25 Jan 2019 12:22 #20 by Chris D (Brogan)
Replied by Chris D (Brogan) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Father the truth they find may not be of your god. The heresy they have faced and suffered makes them much more likely to accept the serpent or the mistress of chains. I wish you luck on your conversions and Father Frost is ready to bring the wayward home

Cyan Bloodbane

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25 Jan 2019 12:37 #21 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
In all of the places I have been, and all of the people I have worked for, there has always been one common trait. You don't murder children. Those that are guilty of this, will not have the chance to speak, to give excuses for what they have done. There is no excuse. I've worked for some of the most foul individuals in my time, and killing children for the mere POSSIBILITY that they will turn dark is not something that will be tolerated.

Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light

(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
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25 Jan 2019 14:09 #22 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Moostrav, why are you the way that you are?

Father Ephrem, there is no other Valosian that I would be more honored to fight beside than you. May we pay our respective Gods tribute as allies on the field in this celebratory time of battle!

I am glad to read that you have reasonable requests... a quality I am not used to seeing in those of your faith.

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
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25 Jan 2019 19:11 - 25 Jan 2019 19:25 #23 by Moostrav Potrevski ()
Replied by Moostrav Potrevski () on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
You quite possibly are are the shining example of why we don't despise your faith, such as the faith of Andorra or Duncan. With due respect, something we do not give out lightly; understand that a good number of us have been fighting these fiends on our own up until now. So in a means to only berate the heretical lot, such as Donald, we take liberty to answer your questions. For we have seen their faces and know of their leaders.

1) Information as to any means that the enemy uses fear of harm to the commoner or their loved ones. Information on their means of proselytizing and why it is working.

They use the commoners fear of the Dark, the church of light for many years has persecuted it as evil; and although our recent developments this is quaintly the fate sewn from such hypocrisies. They also use their numbers, and their self proclaimed holiness to abuse the structure they lay forth. They are sit at the top and send these children in to fight for them.

It is not without that they do believe in what they preach. One individual stood and fought a party of twelve to fifteen after being dead for sometime. They where not undead, it was their sheer will and faith that held them to stand and fight.

2) A means to communicate and reach out to those who follow this heresy either with blindness or by false promises.

Their encampment is not far out the proper, we would not be opposed to walk you their ourselves. We have a gate encase things where to turn on us, so no worries their. We must find and "snuff out" their preaching and oppose it at all costs. Many of you wish to convert these fools, but fools they will stay. We would advise you not to taint your flock, if they are to find your powers to be shared, they will on their own. It is our need, to simply stray them from this atrocity.

3) Consistent and unified theme(s) to sway those who might reject the leadership and purpose of this heresy.

They simply abuse their positions and justify their deeds with the name of their higher power. Valos to them is not just a "god" but a scapegoat. They have paladins among them; you cannot sway them all. Though we enjoy this idea, and will discuss it further.

4) Establishing a place of refuge for those who do desert the enemy.

No, in the past some have turned just to stab us in the back. They have lived close to the death of others for so long, that the chains of the reaper ring in their ears. You may find refuge for the young ones, but be wary of them until you can be absolutely positive they have been swayed. If you insist on saving the young ones, something we are not opposed to, we would recommend the stocks or the jail. Those older then say sixteen... should have known better from the start.

We will be in the proper, come find us and we would be happy to discuss this more.... you fill find us sharpening our teeth in the Dragons Claw by the fire.

Many may have feelings to this matter, many might feel as if it is their duty to see this through, and that this may perhaps be the worst thing they have ever witnessed. Your emotions strong and foolish as they may we preach to you preachers; although this adamantly concerns you, this is not about you singularly. Don't make it such. This even isn't about your faith, although it has it's place here. Some of us here fight for our survival, for our ways of life, we just wish to be left to our practices; but on ether side we find those who wish to make a mockery of this wish. We write here words for you to remember, this here is a war fought for a people, under a midnight banner that embodies their life. It is touching you fight with us, but do you fight for us? If you do, we thank you; if you don't and you fight for other reasons... stay out of our way less you join them in the mound.

Moostrav Potrevski
1 of the 8 Heads of the Potrevski family

Jacob F.
Last edit: 25 Jan 2019 19:25 by Moostrav Potrevski ().
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26 Jan 2019 16:03 #24 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
How strange I support Moostrov.
Ephram, if you actually care,
If you actually want to help,
And not cheer for yourself in a mirror,
Then you'll understand.
You will not stand at the front.
You will not lead the charge.
You will let those outside the Light,
All of them, dark, order, and otherwise,
Be the forefront.
Hoist the banner for them,
But don't steal this,
In the name of glory for yourself,
Or the Light Pontiff's word
Of which you seem incapable of acting
Without hearing first.

Niko Malagan


Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
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26 Jan 2019 17:33 #25 by Ephrem (bamore62)
Replied by Ephrem (bamore62) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
I dare say a mirror might break at my sight, not being very comely myself. Would you perhaps not have a liking for mirrors, Niko? Or is that just fanciful legend. No matter. And trust me, glory is not my goal. If but one of their misled souls may be saved, then there is no waste in my effort. Therein lies the glory.

As for the Pontiff? Well...if you look at the history of extremist cults, they give little regard to any authority outside of their own one charismatic leader. Even the Pontiff must stay true to the authority of the history of other Pontiffs before him, and all of them to the authority of Valos, Good King of the Light. It is how our Church has been able to reform with humility when we find ourselves askew from what we should be. If only the leader of this cult could see his own hubris as one of his faults. So yes, I will consult the Pontiff regarding issues such as this, as much as he seeks the input of those like me. It's good to have this connection, this way when I'm praying to my god, I'm pretty sure I'm not just talking to myself. Again, this is something our foe lacks and if they had the humility to consult with proper authority, perhaps we wouldn't have had to deal with this horrible mess.

Who leads the charge is not important to me, but this group claiming to be Valosian is of great concern to the entire church, of which I am part. Let the others who are not of the Light lead the final charge, but the banner I hold to support them in these initial skirmishes is a banner of thoughts, ideas, words, and theologies - much needed against these heretics. If the Count, the Baron, or one of the Lords or Warlord sees fit to determine who leads the charge, I will most certainly comply with the proper chain of command - independent of your own suggestions. As for the Dark and Order and otherwise, my preference would be to fight side by side with them against this common enemy. Perhaps even you and I will find ourselves doing just that, which (all jest aside) it would please me well.

- although as I lift my glass to you it may not contain a beverage to your own taste,

Father Ephrem
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
the Heart of Valos

OOG: Bryan Amore
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26 Jan 2019 18:23 #26 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Vampire jokes.
Good call mocking
What I can't change.
You're truly
An inspiration.

Niko Malagan


Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
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26 Jan 2019 18:39 #27 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Friend Niko,

You know Ephrem’s words will fall on deaf ears.
Enjoy the show. You’ll have your pound of flesh.

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
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14 Feb 2019 03:20 - 14 Feb 2019 03:21 #28 by Zanthios Tartaros (Zanthios)
Replied by Zanthios Tartaros (Zanthios) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Regardless of the success you plan brings
glory may be due for you given your intention.
Peaceful resolutions should be the only resolutions.

I support discussion concerning the conflict, but I also value your safety.
I wish you good fortune.

Zanthios Tartaros
Vassal of Drega'Mire
* * * * * * * * * * * *

(OOG Angelo Iudici)
Last edit: 14 Feb 2019 03:21 by Zanthios Tartaros (Zanthios).
14 Feb 2019 03:28 #29 by Victor Wainwright (HanSalva)
Replied by Victor Wainwright (HanSalva) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
Zanthios this happened already, because of this, your wording seems ominous and threatening towards Father Ephrem. While it may have been well-intentioned, it reads as if you are going to give him the "bad fortune." It may do you well to stay up to date with the current on-goings, so you are not misunderstood in such fashion.

Dr. Victor Wainwright
Steward of Stonefall
OOG: Han/Hana Salvacion (They/them)
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14 Feb 2019 03:52 #30 by Zanthios Tartaros (Zanthios)
Replied by Zanthios Tartaros (Zanthios) on topic From the Church of Light re the Blazing Sun
It would perhaps have been good to have the outcome(s) posted to the board.
I support his attempt at a peaceful resolution.
I was concerned how the Blazing Sun would receive him.

Perhaps you should't rush your judgement and be pessimistic

I specifically said: "I wish you good fortune."
My wording was maybe simple.
I'm not sure how you may have perceived anything different.

Zanthios Tartaros
Vassal of Drega'Mire
* * * * * * * * * * * *

(OOG Angelo Iudici)
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