Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Announcement of Festivities!

  • Aleister
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05 Mar 2019 22:29 #1 by Aleister (Aleister)
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Announcement of Festivities! was created by Aleister (Aleister)
Citizens of the Empire and Grimwyr

the gracious Duke Edgar Balliol will be visiting our most humble village shortly and we only have a few weeks to prepare for His Grace's arrival. In light of this grand news, we will be hosting a great feast in his honor for the tireless work he has done leading the war against the usurper Everest's forces.
Please one and all, you are welcome to attend this grand event on the 30th of March!

All amenities will be paid for such as lodging for outsiders and the feast itself. Please come and join, support your leader!

For the Prosperity of the Empire,
Lord Chancellor Enzarond


Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
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